Langmuir troughs
Our laboratory is equipped with different Langmuir troughs, each designed for a specific purpose.
- KSV NIMA double trough, equipped with two Wilhelmy Balances. Either Langmuir-Schaeffer or Langmuir-Blodgett film transfer on solid substrate (glass, silicon or mica) are possible.
- R&K system, that can be mounted on our Epifluorescence microscope, on the ellipsometer or on the interfacial rheometer (ISR). Three different trough can operate with this system:
- a mini trough for measurements on proteins;
- a larger, custom made trough for ISR and Ellipsometry;
- a trough with a quartz window, for Epifluorescence measurements on the inverted microscope.
lmn/trough.txt · Ultima modifica: 05/01/2014 11:56 da davide.orsi