AixACCT TF2000E Analyzer with Ferroelectric module
measuring system acquired by a financial contribution of the Fondazione Cariparma
The ferroelectric test module TF Analyzer 2000 FE is designed to make various measurements on ferroelectric materials to determine its main electronic characteristics
The standard configuration offers a frequency range from 1 mHz to 5 kHz
Standard features of the FE-Module are:
- Hysteresis measurement
- PUND measurement
- Fatigue measurement
- Retention measurement
- Static hysteresis measurement
- Imprint measurement
- Leakage current measurement
TREK 2220 High-voltage amplifier
- Output Voltage: 0 to ±2 kV DC or peak AC
- Output Current: 0 to ±10 mA DC or 20 mA peak AC for 5 ms
- Slew Rate: 100 V/µs, typical
- Large Signal Bandwidth: DC to greater than 7.5 kHz (-3dB)
- Gain: 200 V/V Fixed
magnetometria/pub/pub/pub/tf2000p.txt · Ultima modifica: 07/01/2014 17:14 da massimo.solzi