We study complex molecular systems on the nanoscale. Our research is both fundamental and oriented towards technological applications, including instrumentation development. We prepare complex molecular architectures by Langmuir-Blodgett and Self-Assembly techniques, and we characterize them by several structural and dynamical experimental methods. The applications are focussed on: food science, molecular electronics, biotechnological and biomedical applications. On the fundamental side, we are interested in the dynamics of nanostructured disordered systems, with particular reference to glasses and the glass transition in restricted dimensionality.
We make available the following thesis opportunities for graduate students (Laurea Magistrale) in physics and material science (text in Italian)
Properties of foams, emulsions and single molecular layers (INFO: L. Cristofolini & D. Orsi)
Nanostructures for Self-Lighted Photodynamic therapy (INFO: D. Orsi & L. Cristofolini)
2D dynamical arrest transition in a mixed nanoparticle-phospholipid layer studied in real and momentum spaces Scientific Reports(2015)
Porphyrin conjugated SiC/SiOx nanowires for X-ray-excited photodynamic therapy Scientific Reports (2015)
Revealing the fast atomic motion of network glasses Nature Communications (2014)
Synchrotron x-ray techniques for the investigation of structures and dynamics in interfacial systems. Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science (2014)
Heterogeneous dynamics of a 2D gel of gold nanoparticles Physical Review Letters (2012)